Rollup Operations

# Stopping your Rollup

An orderly shutdown is done in the reverse order to the order in which components were started:

  1. To stop the batcher, use this command:

    curl -d '{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"admin_stopBatcher","params":[]}' \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8548 | jq

    This way the batcher knows to save any data it has cached to L1. Wait until you see Batch Submitter stopped in batcher's output before you stop the process.

  2. Stop op-node. This component is stateless, so you can just stop the process.

  3. Stop op-geth. Make sure you use CTRL-C to avoid database corruption.

# Starting your Rollup

To restart the blockchain, use the same order of components you did when you initialized it.

  1. op-geth

  2. op-node

  3. op-batcher

    If op-batcher is still running and you just stopped it using RPC, you can start it with this command:

    curl -d '{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"admin_startBatcher","params":[]}' \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8548 | jq   

Synchronization takes time

op-batcher might have warning messages similar to:

WARN [03-21|14:13:55.248] Error calculating L2 block range         err="failed to get sync status: Post \"http://localhost:8547\": context deadline exceeded"
WARN [03-21|14:13:57.328] Error calculating L2 block range         err="failed to get sync status: Post \"http://localhost:8547\": context deadline exceeded"

This means that op-node is not yet synchronized up to the present time. Just wait until it is.

# Adding nodes

To add nodes to the rollup, you need to initialize op-node and op-geth, similar to what you did for the first node. You should not add an op-batcher, there should be only one.

  1. Configure the OS and prerequisites as you did for the first node.

  2. Build the Optimism monorepo and op-geth as you did for the first node.

  3. Copy from the first node these files:

  4. Create a new jwt.txt file as a shared secret:

    cd ~/op-geth
    openssl rand -hex 32 > jwt.txt
    cp jwt.txt ~/optimism/op-node
  5. Initialize the new op-geth:

    cd ~/op-geth
    ./build/bin/geth init --datadir=./datadir ./genesis.json
  6. To enable L2 nodes to synchronize directly, rather than wait until the transactions are written to L1, turn on peer to peer synchronization. If you already have peer to peer synchronization, add the new node to the --p2p.static list so it can synchronize.

  7. Start op-geth (using the same command line you used on the initial node)

  8. Start op-node (using the same command line you used on the initial node but with sequencer mode disabled by removing --sequencer.enabled and --sequencer.l1-confs flags)